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Our Mission


Sunnyvale Safe Streets is dedicated to making Sunnyvale a safe and welcoming place for biking and walking.​


Our Activities


We work with the City of Sunnyvale to make our streets safe for cyclists and pedestrians.  We promote biking and walking as viable means of transportation. We collaborate with the City and the School Districts in Sunnyvale to establish safe routes for students to bike and walk to school.




Seeing a need for strategic sustained advocacy of active transportation in Sunnyvale, we formed Sunnyvale Safe Streets in 2024. 

Our Team

We are a group of volunteers who dedicate our time to making biking and walking a reality in Sunnyvale.

Sharlene Liu

Sharlene Liu
Board Chair

Sharlene is Founder of Sunnyvale Safe Streets. She has lived in Sunnyvale since 2003. For a cleaner and friendlier environment, she chose to make biking and walking her main modes of transportation. She taught her daughters to bike and walk to school starting from when they were in Kindergarten. Sharlene was a parent lead in Safe Routes To School at her daughters' schools. During her time on the Sunnyvale BPAC, Sharlene proposed the hiring of an Active Transportation Planner, which Council approved in 2024. Prior to active transportation advocacy, Sharlene was a speech recognition engineer. 

Jon Blum

Jon Blum

​Board Member

Jon is a lifelong cyclist, and has lived in Sunnyvale for more than 20 years. He is active in the Western Wheelers Bicycle Club.  After retiring from a career as a physician and microbiologist, he stumbled into bicycle advocacy after attending a public meeting about bike lanes, and has never looked back. He believes that active transportation infrastructure is essential not only for the safety of cyclists and pedestrians, but to increase the use of transportation that does not emit carbon and warm our planet.

Kevin Jackson

Kevin Jackson

​Board Member

Kevin is an icon in Sunnyvale with 50 years of bike advocacy experience. He served 16 years on the Sunnyvale BPAC. His primary motivations for advocacy is for the safety of vulnerable road users and for environmental sustainability. Some of his notable accomplishments, in collaboration with others, include establishing landmark city policies to normalize biking and walking, the bike/ped bridges over Hwys 101, 237, and 280, reducing speed limits around schools to 15 mph, and the adoption of the Vision Zero Plan. Kevin retired from the NASA Ames Research Center where he was a systems analyst.

Alon Golan

Alon Golan
Board Member

Alon and his wife Ilana moved to the Bay Area more than 2 decades ago and have worked for various local tech companies. They have raised their two kids here. Both kids have been attending CUSD and FUHSD schools, while commuting to their schools and to other local destinations daily on their bicycles. For transportation, Alon walks, rides his bike, uses public transportation and occasionally drives a car as well. Alon is a big believer that all transportation modes should be safe and viable for all to use.

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